Economic Assistance
Economic Assistance programs may be able to help supplement your income.
Economic Assistance
Medicare Savings Program
The Medicare Savings Program is designed to help lower your monthly health care costs. This program may help pay for part or all of your Part B Premium, remove/lower your deductibles for Part A and Part B, and help with any past due premiums. This program is income and asset based.
Contact your county human services department or the Senior LinkAge Line to request an application.
What is an Asset?: An asset is anything that can be used to sold to create cash. Example: Money in a checkings account, savings account, stock investments, bonds, retirement accounts (IRAs etc), owning multiple homes, multiple vehicles, or multiple recreational homes/vehicles. You may own a home and vehicles, this will not be counted against you as an asset.
Click here for income and asset guidelines
Extra Help Program
The Extra Help Program is through the Social Security Association. You do not need to be collecting SSI to be eligible. The Extra Help Program may help pay for your Part D premium, deductible, and cap your medication prices. This allows your medication prices to be lowered. The Extra Help Program is income and asset based.
Click Here to be screened for the program. You can apply online if you qualify. The link will also take you to the application.
Energy Assistance &
Home Repair
You may qualify for energy assistance. This can include heating, cooling, and electricity.
Click Here to see if you qualify and to apply.
You may also qualify for help repairing your home. Here are a few agencies that may provide help (more can be found on MnHelp.info under "Home Repair Assistance"):
Minnesota Supplemental Aid
The Minnesota Supplemental Aid is a cash assistance program. You may qualify for income assistance. You may also qualify for SNAP, Housing Assistance, and Medical Assistance if you qualify for MSA.
Click Here for to see if you qualify.
You can apply online or on paper (Combined Application). Contact your county human services department or the Senior LinkAge Line to request a paper application.
Childcare Assistance
Minnesota offers childcare assistance programs to help pay for the cost of daycare and childcare. Click here for eligibility and applications.
MN DHS Childcare Assistance Income Guidelines:
Number of people Annual income before taxes
2 $37,581
3 $46,423
4 $55,266
5 $64,108
6 $72,951
7 $74,609
8 $76,267
9 $77,925